Robert E. Breiling Associates, Inc.

Business Aircraft Accident Analysis

Single Turboprop Powered Aircraft

Accident Review

The "2015 Annual Single Turboprop Powered Aircraft Accident Review" is a comprehensive review of all single turboprop powered fixed wing aircraft accidents since the introduction of each aircraft.  Each accident involving CE-208, PC-12, TBM 700/850, Piper PT-46-500TP and PT-46 conversions is summarized.  Tables identify the critical phases of flight and probable causes including accidents due to powerplant malfunction/failure.  Accident rates and accidents per 100,000 flight hours for each aircraft is presented along with the accident rates of all the more popular turboprops to assist in accident involvement identification.

"2015 Annual Single Turboprop Powered Aircraft Accident Review " is invaluable to the owner/operator/prospective purchaser for identifying operational and/or mechanical related problems. The publication price for this review is $375.